
A good accountant is never afraid of saying “No” to his client

They say that a successful businessman and a good leader should never be afraid of attracting people to his team who excel in a particular area.
He also doesn’t have to worry about having someone on his team who isn’t afraid to say “NO” to his face.
Whether it’s a small business or a huge corporation, it’s critical to have that person in the system who stands up to the leader and says, “No, this is not right. No, it will cause losses. No, this expenditure should not be made,” etc.
They call it a “corrective” or a “thorn in the heel,” a “hedgehog in the pants,” a “pebble in the shoe” or …

…Or an accountant.
What good accountants have in common is that they protect their client’s money from everything and everyone.
Sometimes even by the client himself.
An accountant who understands his job signals a problem before it is on the horizon.
But it also offers the right solution , to get out of the possible complication of the situation.
A good accountant never spares his client the truth and doesn’t worry about bringing bad news. In fact, he does not divide information into good or bad, but only processes it, analyzes it with cool reason and acts.
If your accountant is embarrassed to tell you directly “The deadline for paying VAT and National Insurance is running out” or “If you don’t pay, interest starts to accrue”, then you should wish that accountant creative success and part ways with them. The earlier the better.
When should the accountant say “NO” to the client? Whenever a “YES” answer would harm the client.
If the customer / hypothetically the owner of a car repair shop / requests that the new carpet he purchased for his son or daughter’s nursery be accounted for and recognized as a business expense. And accompanies his request with the explanation “My previous accountant always did it”
A good accountant is likely to refuse to do this because he knows that in a tax audit the “children’s carpet” will attract the attention of the auditors, i.e. it is an asset creating headaches.
It is true that there is a proper line item for accounting for a nursery carpet, but it should NOT be done for the sake of it or just because the customer has requested that it be claimed as a company expense.
There are accountants who repeat like a mantra “Invoice everything”.
But this is a deeply flawed principle, because not every purchase is a tax deductible expense, because there are invoices that benefit from VAT and those that do not…
A good accountant is therefore good because he knows in detail the accounting matter and the laws. This is why he would never advise his client to make wrong decisions.
DON’T trust an accountant who always says “YES”.
A good accountant is good because they keep your money safe from everything and everyone.
And by yourself, if necessary.
Um, I think we already said that.
By the way…did you pay your VAT?