
An ode to the joy of …the accountant

All psychologists, and also good diplomats, advise not to use negativity and negativity too often in everyday life. Otherwise, you doom yourself to failure.

But when asked how you could make your accountant happy, the first right answer is “No, you won’t make him happy with money”.

That is, you will not please him with a fee, a higher fee or the highest fee. His joy and his fee are completely different categories.

Your accountant will be very happy if you send in your current month’s documents before the last possible time for submitting your monthly VAT return. In other words, it is not advisable to do this on the eve of the 14th day of the month, which is also the deadline for its submission. You can just schedule the act of handing over documentation for earlier. It would be better for both of you. In one version, you will be greeted with a joyful smile, in the other … the deficit of smile and joy is the least you will cause. VAT may be just an abbreviation to you, but to accounting it is a form of life. Respect that!

When your accountant has just told you, with a note of iron in his voice, “Learn to collect all your invoices and expense documents” or asked you the question “Where is the receipt for the payment of an invoice with whatever number, dated … /at least two thousand years ago/, know that he is not doing this because he likes to collect old invoices or to quarrel with you, but he only wants to find documentary traces that ensure that the expense you incurred will be treated as tax deductible …

And if you ask him why he’s so particular about invoices and receipts, he’ll probably tell you:

“Because the law says that an accounting expense is recognised for tax purposes when it is documented by means of a primary accounting document and, where payment is made in cash, it shall the receipt must be available, because the absence of a fiscal receipt, where there is an obligation to issue it, is a ground for non-recognition of the accounting expense for tax purposes.” Well, timely submitted paper invoices for costs incurred or a few emails with e-invoices sent on time are cause for rejoicing.

You say this sounds complicated to you? Then just trust your accountant.

As a matter of fact, you have a great chance to make him happy if you also carry out some activity related to the payment orders he has prepared for you. In other words, transfer the relevant amounts. If you make the payment on time, you will make your accountant’s life easier. Because unlike wine, they don’t get better as they “age”. They simply expire, budget commitments pile up and confusion ensues.

So if you pay your social security and taxes on time, you’ll once again give the person in charge of your accounting fits of joy. Moreover, if the relevant documents are prepared and you have sufficient cash in the company’s bank account.

Because if you don’t, emails start arriving in your accountant’s inbox with warnings from the Revenue. You see, they don’t arrive in your mail, they arrive in his, even though you have neglected to deposit the tax and social security amounts. Well, agree that there is no joy in that. Rather, it is stressful.

If, on the other hand, at the end of your trip to another city or abroad on company business, you bring him duly completed and detailed documents, i.e. business trip, travel voucher or boarding pass for air travel … know that you have done a good deed and on the dreaded Tax Court Day it will be appreciated. And your accountant will be very happy. Again.

It will react in the same way if you submit your leave requests or sick leave for the month in a timely manner. He must process this information and make the appropriate declarations where necessary. But if you keep your leave or treatment a documented secret, it’s guaranteed to lead to joyless days for your accountant.

What also leads to a lack of joy in his days is when you, as an employer, want to dismiss your employee with one month’s notice, but in the opposite case, you insist that your employee can leave his position after three months’ notice. Well, rest assured that your accountant will remind you that the Labour Code is very clear about these employment relationships. The notice period for termination of an open-ended employment contract is 30 days, unless the parties have agreed a longer period. It cannot be more than 3 months and is the same for both parties. For you and your employee.

But that’s not all. He will not be happy at all, but rather unhappy or downright very disappointed if you ask him to book as a company expense payments of the type of … “lamb purchase” to celebrate St George’s Day. Yes, according to you this could be a company expense. If, for example, your business is not related to the restaurant industry, but, say, to the shoe trade, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to convince your accountant that you are right. Give up while it’s still time!

You are guaranteed to deprive an accountant of joy if you disappear from his sight for a month or two, if you do not consult him at all and if you do not pay attention to his recommendations and advice. And if he emails you with questions, you would do well to answer them. Most likely the enquiry is related to your business and the possible fix of a problem.

And yes … it is possible to think that everything will be all right if you change your annoying accountant who keeps criticizing you for your frivolous attitude to your own business, but you will always find out in the most painful way possible that he all the time trying to take care of you.

You may be under the mistaken impression that everything so far is some ode to the joy of your accountant. This is not so! You may not believe it, but it is also about your joy of the days.

But instead of all those words, the question “How can a client delight their accountant?” could have been answered very briefly.

Very simple. By being punctual, careful and attentive to your own business.

The rest is up to the accountant. To your accountant.

If you are attentive, punctual and caring about your business, the team of accounting firm “Correct Account Consult” will be happy to work for you. And our joy will be shared.

We guarantee you that we will be very happy with your success, simply because we are one team.

Well, are you ready to grow your business with us?